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Do you know why kids love athletes?

because they follow their dreams - doing what they love


It's for the love of the journey


Find out below how we can assist you

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Services for Athletes

Advancing Athletes as creators, investors, and entrepreneurs.


Athletes as creators are shaping the future of sports marketing. As younger generations become more involved in sport, and 82% of Gen Z prefer to follow their favorite athlete rather than follow a specific team. As loyalty changes, so do the audiences and expectations of athletes. If you're looking for innovative content, optimized digital and social media strategies, and unique fan engagement - Amateur is the right team for you.

Athletes as investors are innovating the sports business landscape. As more athletes begin investing their earnings, more innovations in sports technology, marketing, fan engagement, and more are developed - benefitting all in the industry. But this doesn't just benefit the industry, it also benefits the athletes who invest. Almost 78% of athletes go broke within 3 years of retirement. We love our athletes, and we want the best life for you post competition. Strategic investment during your competitive career and a sustainable plan secures your future - no matter your competition level or the length of your playing career.


Athletes as entrepreneurs lead exciting paths within sport or in other industries. Whether it's establishing your own restaurant to pursue your passion in cooking, starting your own unique merchandise line, or launching a podcast empire - Amateur MM LLC can help. We want you to achieve your dreams, but we also want to help you get there with optimized and sustainable plans for the future.

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Being an athlete at any level can be a financially stressful experience. At Amateur MM LLC, we know that you began this journey for the love of the sport, and we want you to keep it that way. With this in mind, all pricing is flexible.


Pricing will be discussed and determined in your initial meeting (which is always free!). If you'd like an estimate, please fill out the contact form below with details of what services you're looking for and your proposed budget, and we will get back to you as soon as possible! 

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