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The sport industry in 2023 hit $512 billion in revenue

that's a big number, and we understand everyone wants their slice of the pie


Not only do we want your brand to be financially successful - though - we want you and your consumers to love what you're selling


Find out how we can help below

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Services for Brands

The sports marketing landscape is changing and innovation is key for success. At Amateur MM LLC, our goal is to help you connect with your fans on a deeper level through innovative, optimized, and sustainable marketing strategies.

Digital and Social Media

Digital and Social Media Marketing are an important aspect in connecting with fans at local, regional, national, and global levels. At Amateur we are highly experienced in developing unique marketing campaigns for Digital and Social Media.

Fan engagement spans a wide variety of marketing campaigns. From digital content to online community management, physical fan zones, sponsorship or partnership activations, and more we at Amateur are here for you. Our team can assist you in every step of the process, from idea generation to post-campaign measurements. Our focus is on data driven decisions and innovative ideas unique to your organization.

Fan Engagement
Market Entry Strategy

New market entry can be stressful and complicated for any brand or organization. With experience working with organizations from all across Europe, North America, and the Middle East we strive to bring you not only the important research and data but also the optimal and sustainable strategies for your organizations success.

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Pricing of all services is based on the kind of assistance you need. 


The above services can be chosen separately or in any combination that fits your needs. We love to mix and match, thus we want you to be able to, too.


Pricing will be discussed and determined in your initial meeting (which is always free!). If you'd like an estimate, please fill out the contact form below with details of what services you're looking for and your proposed budget, and we will get back to you as soon as possible! 

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